Meditation, its time for a change...
13th +14th March (english sessions) / 17+18 März  (deutsche Kursabende)    

Join these Workshops  if you want to:

1. Cultivate Mindfulness: Learn the art of being fully present in the moment, helping you let go of stress and worries that often plague our daily lives. Understadt and feel, that life is game, that wants to be played, a dance to be danced.
2. Unlock Inner Wisdom: Tap into your inner reservoir of wisdom and insight, allowing you to gain clarity on life's most pressing questions.
3. Experience Inner Peace: Find solace and tranquility within yourself, creating a lasting sense of calm and serenity.
4. Connect with Spirituality: The deep spiritual experiences of our Mediation Teachers will guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
5. Meet with other Seekers and like minded people who are open to spirituality and mindfullness. Join the community
6.Learn practical tools to set up your daily practice, which is the basis of your spiritual life.
7.Learn and Sing and Chant meditative and dynamic Mantras and meditative songs in a group

Besuche diesen Kurs, wenn dich folgende Themen ansperechen:   


1. Achtsamkeit kultivieren: Lerne die Kunst, ganz im Hier und Jetzt zu sein, um Stress und Sorgen loszulassen, die unseren Alltag
oft belasten. Begreife das Leben als ein Spiel oder ein Tanz


2. Innere Weisheit entwickeln: Erschließe deinen inneren Vorrat an Weisheit und Erkenntnis, um mehr Klarheit über die drängendsten Fragen des Lebens zu gewinnen.
3. Inneren Frieden erleben: Finde Trost und Ruhe in dir selbst, um ein anhaltendes Gefühl von Ruhe und Gelassenheit zu entwickeln.
4. Verbinde dich mit deiner Spiritualität: Die tiefen spirituellen Erfahrungen unserer Meditationslehrer werden dir auf deiner tiefgreifenden Reise zur Selbstfindung und des spirituellen Wachstums helfen und dich Richtiungsweisend unterstützen
5. Treffe andere Suchende und Gleichgesinnte, die für Spiritualität und Achtsamkeit offen sind. Werde ein Teil der Community.


6. Lerne praktische Übungen kennen, um die tägliche Praxis zu beginnen, welche die Grundlage Ihres spirituellen Lebens bildet.

7. Lerne meditative und dynamische Mantras und singe in der Gruppe  


With american filmmaker Sanjay Rawaly from New York (13th/14th March)

Sanjay Rawal is a former international development professional who worked in over 40 countries, has transitioned from human rights work to filmmaking, using his passion for storytelling to shed light on global issues. However, his spiritual journey has been equally pivotal, deeply influencing his work.
A dedicated student of spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy, Sanjay has explored the connection between physical endurance and spiritual growth in his films. His documentary *3100: Run and Become* (2018) delves into the power of long-distance running to transcend physical limits, following the grueling 3,100-mile race in New York City and exploring running's spiritual significance across cultures, from Japanese monks to the Navajo 

Indians and Kalahari Bushmen. Sanjay's spiritual practices, inspired by Sri Chinmoy, emphasize self-transcendence, inner peace, and connecting with higher powers through both meditation and physical activity. This March, Sanjay will be leading a meditation class at the Sri Chinmoy Meditation Centre in Berlin, where participants can learn about the transformative power of meditation and how it has shaped his life and filmmaking. Whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this class offers a unique opportunity to explore the deeper dimensions of the self. 


und Satyaki aus Wien (17.+18 März)

Satyaki Perlick ist Manager aus Wien mit über 40 Jahren Meditationserfahrung und Schüler des spirituellen Meisters Sri Chinmoy. Satyaki leitet ein großes Meditstionszentrum in Wien und hat schon weltweit praktische Einführungen in die Meditation gegeben. Seine interessanten Erfahrungen mit Yogis, die er im Himalaya in Indien getroffen hat, teilt er auch gern mit Suchern in seinen Seminaren.



 Veranstaltungsort Eventlocation: Sri Chinmoy Meditation Center (Naugarder Str. 5) ->Maps

After the Mediation Workshop Weekend will have weekly follow-up classes, which are the perfect way to maintain your meditation practice and stay connected with the community after the event. Join us and continue to grow and evolve on your spiritual journey. More information about the follow up class will be given during the Event.