experience Meditation
12th +13th of July             

Discover the Power of Peace

Are you ready to go on a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and spiritual awakening with us?

In this 2-day workshop, Satyaki from Vienna will guide you through a comprehensive understanding of how to establish a strong foundation for your personal meditation practice and will share some powerful meditation techiques and effective lifestye-habbits that will inspire you to go deeper into the realms of your higher and deeper self.
Satyaki's teachings go beyond mere theory, as he shares the wisdom gained from his direct interactions with  Masters, Yogis and enlightened beings. He will unveil a selection of intensive meditation techniques that have been handed down through generations of Himalayan Yogis. These techniques are carefully designed to ignite a deep connection with your inner self, facilitating profound experiences of inner peace, clarity, and self-realization.

The workshop is free, but registration is required:



Friday 12th July
Session 1: 5pm - .6.30pm: Introduction into Meditation with basic exercises
Session 2: 7.30pm - 9.30pm: advanced and effective Meditation techniques
Saturday 13th July,
Session 3: (with intermission)10am - 12.30pm: Mantrasinging and deepening of the Meditation practice

Join this Workshop and the follow ups in our meditation-centre, if you want to:

1. Cultivate Mindfulness: Learn the art of being fully present in the moment, helping you let go of stress and worries that often plague our daily lives.
2. Unlock Inner Wisdom: Tap into your inner reservoir of wisdom and insight, allowing you to gain clarity on life's most pressing questions.
3. Experience Inner Peace: Find solace and tranquility within yourself, creating a lasting sense of calm and serenity.
4. Connect with Spirituality: The deep spiritual experiences of our Mediation Teachers will guide you on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
5. Meet with other Seekers and like minded people who are open to spirituality and mindfullness. Join the community
6.Learn practical tools to set up your daily practice, which is the basis of your spiritual life.
7.Learn and Sing and Chant meditative and dynamic Mantras and meditative songs in a group

All events will be here: Sri Chinmoy Meditation Center (Naugarder Str. 5) ->Maps

After the Mediation Workshop Weekend will have weekly follow-up classes, which are the perfect way to maintain your meditation practice and stay connected with the community after the event. Join us and continue to grow and evolve on your spiritual journey. More information about the follow up class will be given during the Event.