Meditation, its time for a change...
13th +14th March (english sessions) / 17+18 März  (deutsche Kursabende)    

Meditation with Sri Chinmoy

Meditation is consciously listening within. 

Through our regular meditation practice, we develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our inner consciousness. We recognize more clearly our spiritual potential and our inner qualities . This understanding and development of our consciousness influences how we perceive the world and our lives and this experience and perception in turn has a reaction on our consciousness. -We embark on an exciting journey of discovery that leads us to our own inner source . As our awareness grows, our ability to be happy also grows . Meditation is also the art of being happy .

The Berlin Meditation Week is a good start to your spiritual journey. Here you will learn how to start meditating, you will learn different approaches to meditation, different meditation techniques and exercises and you will receive tips on how you can build and deepen your own meditation practice at home. All course leaders of the Berlin Meditation Week have gained their meditation experiences on the path of the spiritual master Sri Chinmoy and will convey them this week in a simple, humorous and practical way.

Here are two guided meditation exercises (if you already want to prepare for Berlin Meditation Week )

And here is a link to some meditation exercises to read

Sri Chinmoy is a spiritual teacher who has described himself as a "Student of Peace" .

In his teachings he likes to emphasize the path of the heart. He describes his spiritual path as the "sunlit path" and the path of "love, devotion and self-surrender" - "Love, Devotion and Surrender"

Here is a video introducing Sri Chinmoy

Here is a video with the music of Sri Chinmoy, which can also be used very well as meditation music.